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Will AI brings us more benefits or create more problems

Start Date: 01-09-2020
End Date: 30-11-2020

The impact of artificial intelligence will be far reaching in our lives and in society as a whole. This will happen sooner than we can imagine and will likely change or disrupt ...

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Will AI brings us more benefits or create more problems

The impact of artificial intelligence will be far reaching in our lives and in society as a whole. This will happen sooner than we can imagine and will likely change or disrupt just about everything we experience.

Will AI brings us more benefits or create more problems? Share your opinions.

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1 Record(s) Found

Gagan kaur 4 years 3 months ago

AI समय की मांग है पर खतरा भी उतना बढ़ जाएगा जब लोग एक दूसरे का ब्रेन पड़ने लगेंगे जीवन आसान तो होगा पर जीने के लिए काम भी करना पड़ेगा ALEXA आज मनपसंद इलेक्ट्रॉनिक गैजेट बन गया है जो घर घर की जरूरत बनता जा रहा है AI का असली आनन्द तब आएगा जब दुनिया मै रोबोटिक लहर आएगी