Chennai is the subsistence area for most of the TN people. If establishing other major cities of TN proportionately as well-connected economic zone and ecologically safe zone, we can make whole TN as an Eco-Tourism as well as commercially successful destination. Shifting of New development around Chennai to other respective area of TN will reduce traffic,population density as well the usage of natural resources in Chennai which will keep it green and Eco-friendly.
SELVAMEENA.M.K 4 years 1 month ago
Chennai is the subsistence area for most of the TN people. If establishing other major cities of TN proportionately as well-connected economic zone and ecologically safe zone, we can make whole TN as an Eco-Tourism as well as commercially successful destination. Shifting of New development around Chennai to other respective area of TN will reduce traffic,population density as well the usage of natural resources in Chennai which will keep it green and Eco-friendly.